Monday, July 20, 2009

The worst day....

Today was one of the worst days I've had in a long time. It all started early this morning when I started off to work and got a mile or so from home and realized I forgot my sunglasses and eye drops at home, so I went back to get them. I then got to work and broke one of the kids toys I was giving to my boss as a hand me down, literally as I was handing it to them. A canceled testing session that ended up in me calling into an executive meeting via video conference. My golf cart ran out of batteries in the middle of the street on my way back to the shop. And Jenni called me about Lily's accident (read the post above). I got home and started cooking dinner on the grill, Jenni walked into the room and said, "ummm....the grill is on fire." I through the lid open and it was seriously on fire, some of the built up grease from the hamburgers the other day lit on fire. So, I turned off the gas and taught Jenni how to use baking soda to put out a fire.

All in all, it was a pretty crappy day.

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