Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Night

We had a pretty awesome day for Halloween. I thought it was going to be a little shaky this morning when both Lily and Jon climbed into my bed around 6am. But they ended up being pretty well behaved while we goofed around the house. Then Jenni's parents called and wanted the kids for the morning to play in the leaves and I let them go and have a good time.

We were invited to a Halloween party over at one of the kids' freind's house so as I started rooting around the house for the proper clothes and costume peices I realized that I had to dress Kayla up as a Snow Princess and I had no idea on where the little girl makeup might be and also that Jenni had all of the hair care stuff with her on her trip to Dallas this weekend. So, I called Deb and asked if she'd help me out and get Kayla all prettied up for her costume. She of course agreed, and with some help from Dave (that Grandpa can paint nails and comb hair too) Kayla was ready to go.

Now, Jon was a pretty easy costume fitting. He's big enough to dress himself but Lily was a little difficult. She was suppose to be a little toddler witch, Jenni bought her the costume a long time ago, but during our Halloween decorating Lily found Kayla's old pumpkin costume and wanted nothing to do with the witch. So, we have the picture below.

We headed to our party and had a great time. Suzanne did a fantastic job keeping the kids entertained with little crafts and cookie decorating. Then we all strapped the costumes on the kids again and hit the road trick or treating. The kids made out pretty well and we had a great night.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween (part 1)

Here we are the week before Halloween, so it's now time to start thinking about decorating the house for the big event. So tonight it was pumpkin slaughter night (a.k.a.- jack o lanterns). It was definitely a little less stressful this year, all the kids have finally gotten over there slimy finger phobia's and cleaned out their own gourds leaving Jenni and I with the ever important task of carving the infamous orange veggies. We started out letting the kids draw the faces on their pumpkins, they did a pretty awesome job. I am amazed and the artistic improvements in them as the get older.

Then after I popped the pumpkin tops Jon and Lily dove in and cleaned out the yuck.

And after an hour or so of family fun, this is what we were left with. It was a nice time.

Part 2 will obviously follow after next Saturday's night of fright.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Many of you know that recently my Grandfather past away and it was during his memorial service that the attendees were given the opportunity to share a story about Grandpa. I sat in my seat trying to suck up my tears and gather my thoughts to tell my story, but the service moved on and I missed out. I regret not being more prepared to share this story and I wanted to re-tell it and share one of my most favorite moments with my Grandpa.

It happened about four years ago while I still worked at the radio station and had my own morning interview show, every now and then we'd get a really cool opportunity and one day I got the flier to take a flight in a WW2 aircraft. I thought that would be pretty awesome adventure and I found out that I could take another person with me, so I called my dad and asked him to go with me. I told him that I would be flying in the B-25, dad told me that that was the airplane that Grandpa flew while he was training in the Army Air Corp and that I should call him. So I did and of course he said he wanted to go. Dad ended up going with us to take pictures and to have lunch with Grandpa and me, but the trip took a drastic turn for the better.

It turns out that the night before our flight the KC 4th of July fireworks malfunctioned and the whole show went off in about thirty seconds, so all of the KC media covered that story and ditched the free media airplane ride on the B-25. I did my interviews with the owners, they shared stories of the plane with Grandpa, and then as we were loading up they asked Dad to go to. Since the plane was empty they made and exception and let all of us go. So there we were three generations of Rineharts flying on an old WW2 airplane and crawling around inside it just as Grandpa did 50+ years prior. Let me tell you the inside of that plane is pretty small to crawl around in, but Grandpa found himself in the tail gun, the nose gun, and everywhere in between.

I sat down with Grandpa after the trip and talked about it with him and featured him on my program, I encourage you to take 20 minutes and listen to the show (that I'm trying to get uploaded). It starts out talking about the plane and then about my Grandpa, I just listened to the show again and hearing his voice again made tears come to my eyes. I love my Grandfather and I'll miss him dearly.

If you'd like a digital copy of the recording or full resolution pictures just send me an email. I'll keep working on this upload thing, blogger is being stupid.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Soccer Season

This fall Jon decided he wanted to play soccer and we signed him up. As usual the league was looking for more coaches and I also decided that I'd sign up as well, so here is the beginning of Jon and I's youth soccer season.

I just look like I have this little guys full attention, I'm a great coach.

And here's our little soccer star.

Finally, I'm not really sure how this happened, but it is a cool picture.

Bruce's Memorial

First thing, one of the people in my life that I've always admired and believed was one of the bravest people in the world was my cousin Bruce. He was quite a bit older than me and lived a good distance away so I didn't spend a lot of time around him, but he taught me more than most people I know. Bruce had Cerebral Palsy and could not walk without the use of crutches and he never let that affect his quality of life. He taught me that we can't ever judge a person as inept just because they have a disability and that you can do most anything you want with pure determination. Sadly, Bruce passed away recently and we gathered in his hometown in Illinois and celebrated his life with the family.

As with most funerals, you get some good out of the experience. In this case it was spending some quality time with my family. My sister flew in from Denver with her son, my other sister and her family attended, as well as my siblings still at home with Mom and Dad (yes there are a lot of us). After a long drive on Friday, we spent the day on Saturday playing. We splashed in the pool in the morning, attended the terrific memorial service, and then headed to my cousin Stephenie's house and played the rest of the day away. Stephenie and Jason have some farm animals that Lily and Greysen liked to terrorize, it was one of the first times the two kids got to actually play together.

There was also a zip line there and that gave us all kinds of entertainment. All of the kids gave it a go and the babies in particular loved it, check out the looks of joy on both Lily and Greysen's faces as they held on for dear life.

Although, my sister Paola, looked like she didn't quite trust me when it was her turn to take the ride.

It was a fantastic trip and I'm so glad we made that long drive to Illinois.

The first day of school

The kids have all been going to the same day care for just about their whole lives and this year we actually had to send our baby off to the first day of school. Jon reached that magical milestone and he is a little peeved that he doesn't get to ride the bus, he has to go in with Jenni since they are in the same building. And here is Mommy dropping that little boy off at his classroom door.

She told me she didn't cry...she teared up, but didn't cry.

The flower girl made her daddy cry

It's true, the flower girl at a wedding we went to recently made her daddy cry....but that isn't saying much her daddy is kind of a pansy. Jenni's cousin, Charley, asked Kayla to be her flower girl for the wedding and of course Kayla said yes. So we made the trip up to Nebraska for the event and went through the normal wedding weekend hoopla. I had dropped Kayla and Jenni off at the hair stylist early in the day and then went back to the hotel to kill some time with Jon and Lily until it was our turn to participate as guests. I had seen Kayla in her dress at home and yet I still wasn't prepared for what I was about to see when I got to the church, my little girl was a little princess. She had her hair done, her dress on, her high heels, and all I could think about was, "What am I going to do when this is Homecoming, Prom, or HER WEDDING?!?" I was a little over-whelmed and teared up a little, just look at her, I'm sure you understand.

The events did wear her out a little, she took a quick snooze at dinner with her God-mother Ashley.