Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting Older

The boys in family keep getting older and older. It is hard to believe that Jon is now 6 and Jamie is solidly in his third decade!! At least he will always be older than I am....that makes being 30 a little easier to swallow.

Jonathon got to have a small celebration on his actual "birth" day and got a new Dinosaur DS game from Mom and Dad. However, we saved the big party for Saturday so that we could celebrate both Jamie and Jon's birthday together. We had a great time. The party was at Jim and Debbie's and the majority of the family was represented. It was so nice to hang out and talk with everyone.

Jonathon wanted an ice cream cake for his birthday...which took the pressure of baking a cake off of my shoulders. Probably a good thing since the family isn't big into cake but can eat our weight in ice cream!

So who exactly is turning 6 and who is turning 31? A little hard to tell the difference!

Jonathon got his own little birthday cake on Wednesday so that he could blow out the candles on his own.

The one thing Jonathon really wanted for his birthday was a pair of roller skates. They were repeatedly asked for and moved to the top of his birthday list. Great Grandma and Grandpa Rinehart made his wish come true. As you can see he just lit up when he saw them. Not to worry for the safety conscious....he also got all the safety gear that goes with them!

Jonathon was spoiled with so many great gifts. He is still into Star Wars (much to Daddy's delight) and got some cool new toys to add to his collection. He also got lots of new clothes, video games, toys, and some of Grandma's homemade chocolate chip cookies. Now we just have to find room for all of his new stuff.

Happy Birthday Daddy and Jon!

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