We were invited to a Halloween party over at one of the kids' freind's house so as I started rooting around the house for the proper clothes and costume peices I realized that I had to dress Kayla up as a Snow Princess and I had no idea on where the little girl makeup might be and also that Jenni had all of the hair care stuff with her on her trip to Dallas this weekend. So, I called Deb and asked if she'd help me out and get Kayla all prettied up for her costume. She of course agreed, and with some help from Dave (that Grandpa can paint nails and comb hair too) Kayla was ready to go.

Now, Jon was a pretty easy costume fitting. He's big enough to dress himself but Lily was a little difficult. She was suppose to be a little toddler witch, Jenni bought her the costume a long time ago, but during our Halloween decorating Lily found Kayla's old pumpkin costume and wanted nothing to do with the witch. So, we have the picture below.

We headed to our party and had a great time. Suzanne did a fantastic job keeping the kids entertained with little crafts and cookie decorating. Then we all strapped the costumes on the kids again and hit the road trick or treating. The kids made out pretty well and we had a great night.

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