We spent a rainy day at the Omaha zoo. the rain really didn't kill any of the fun because most of the stuff at Omaha is indoors. We really only got wet when we decided to ride the chair lift over the Africa section of the zoo, it was drizzling when we boarded and almost immediately after leaving the platform it really started raining.

One of the funniest moments came at the ape house. Jon was standing in the window looking at this gorilla face to face when all of a sudden the animal leaped straight at the window and pounded on the glass. It scared the living crap out of Jon. It turns out this particular gorilla is a performer and one of the trainers was sitting in the window next to Jon and gave the sign for the gorilla to hit the window. She thought is was funny and...you know...it was.

We also spent a rainy morning at the Strategic Air Command Museum, I really enjoyed it but that's probably because it was a bunch of war airplanes and I'm a boy so the two kind of fit.

The rest of the time we just spent playing in the park, some of Jenni's family came down from Schuyler to visit, and trying to keep Lily happy.

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