First and foremost, Lily is walking...EVERYWHERE. We had her taking little steps here and there and using her little push toy, but then right before Christmas she decided to up and go. She officially walked before Christmas, but she wasn't a master walker until almost New Years. But now she is cruising everywhere and is having a ball playing tag and chase with the other kids. She's really grown up so fast.

There in late November and early December we got a lot of winter weather at our house, it started with snow and then turned to ice. Kids didn't care though, it was warm enough a couple of the days for them to sneak outside and get some quality winter fun in.

And this picture is on here just because it's so darn cute. I'll tell you what...she better never ride a horse topless when she's older. I'll be one unhappy daddy.

Last but not least here is one of the pics from our halloween excursion through the neighborhood. For the first time in years it wasn't freezing cold out there, it was somewhere around 50 degrees and it was nice to be able to let people actually see the kids costumes instead of heavy coats and gloves.

As usual the kids made out pretty good and we have lots of Halloween candy left.
I just read through all of your posts and I feel I know your family very well now. :) Y'all have a very happy looking family and are wonderful parents! I am about to start one of these guys myself because family is SOOO far away from us...however I did hear a while back that we actually live in the same town is that correct?
Have a happy day! Kelly Pope
Every picture I see reminds me how blessed we are. Continue to take care of these little gifts from God, remember he's just sharing them with you, and we never know for how long. Take care and God Bless.
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