Jenni's birthday and Mother's Day are one week apart, which makes my life a little more difficult. I have to try and come up with two very special days in such a short amount of time and it is a challenge to plan just one. So, this year I decided to give my wife a new digital camera...a digital SLR. Since I dropped the big bucks on that we decided to keep the rest of our celebrations simple. So I asked Jenni on a Wednesday night what she wanted to do for a special day over the weekend and her answer was, "go to the zoo." I was in the middle of thinking that was a fun idea when she continued her sentence, " Omaha." I thought that sounded like a good idea and we made reservations in a hotel for Friday night in Omaha and planned to go the zoo on Saturday morning. We had an absolute blast! We got a hotel in downtown Omaha and even though we didn't get there until 9'ish Friday night, we took the kids down to the pool and swam for a little while. Then after a long night of the two older ones not sleeping, we piled in the car and headed to the zoo. And of course we tried out that brand new camera and thought we'd share some photos.

Funny story with this one, we were walking to get lunch and we came across this guy wearing butterfly wings and carrying a tiger skin. So naturally we had to ask what he was doing. Apparently the tiger used to be a resident of the zoo and died of old age, so they now carry around the pelt to let kids touch and feel a for the wings, I don't know.

And here are just some pretty pictures.

Lily continues to surprise us at how good she is, she slept the entire night at the hotel and didn't punish us too much for strapping her into a car seat all the way through the zoo and the ride home Saturday afternoon. She really is the easiest baby we've far (I'm terrified she'll make up for this good behavior when she is a teen).
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