Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Tonight my little princess reminded me that I am no longer even remotely in charge of my house. After bath the little darlin' and I retreated to the living room to put on her pj's, while Jenni finished up brushing Jonathon's teeth. Well, the princess decided she didn't want daddy's help and threw a monster temper tantrum to get her mommy to help her. Daddy is a stubborn old fool and went ahead and dressed that screaming little angel. Well, as you can expect the tantrum got worse and she was placed back in her bedroom to finish crying. She just kept on screaming at me for helping her while Jenni and I moved into Jonathon's room to pick up all his toys so he can actually get into his bed. Soon we are visited by the little banshee....AND SHE IS NAKED AGAIN! She had taken off all her clothes and carried them right past me to Jenni and asked her in her cutest little voice, "Mommy, please help?" Jenni could barely do it she was laughing so hard, and I couldn't help but giggle as well. But seriously....she's only two, what am I going to do when she is a teenager!?



I guess that's how girls are sometimes, all they want is their mom. You just hope that they come back to their dad's now and again before they become teenagers and decide that showing affection for their dad's isn't "cool".

Katie said...

Hey Jamie! I got to your blog through Martin's. This is his younger sister, Katie....I hope you remember me. Anyway, that is a VERY funny story about your daughter. Being blessed with 2 girls of my own, I can totally relate! I guess we'll just need LOTS of luck as they get older!

Anonymous said...

Well good luck with your "litle "angel....!!!!! You will need !!

Grandpa said...

Thank God for little girls and their mommies they help us males turn into real men.

God Bless You All.