Okay, so let me catch you all up to date on this dog dilemma of mine. In the last post you heard that the dog was sick and had to go to the vet and had supposedly been put to sleep. Some mis-communication happened and the vet didn't give her the shot and she lived. So, since then he ran a series of test to find out what was wrong with her. In the x-rays he found to masses in her guts, one in the stomach and one in the large intestine. He scoped her stomach and found the mass in there was just the barium caught up in a big blob of gunk, so he sucked that out and still had the mass in the intestine. When I saw the x-ray I asked him if it was possible that it was a rock, because we have some rocks under our deck that I was afraid that she might have accidentally gotten one down. He said, "I've seen a lot of rocks swallowed and that doesn't look like one. It doesn't show the normal characteristics of a rock, it's blocking too much of the GI track, and it looks too big."
Well, he performed a few more tests for other dog diseases because he didn't want to do surgery unless it was a last resort, he felt as if the dog was too sick to get through such an invasive procedure. Remember, he's doing this on his own time for the sake of solving this puzzling sickness. Finally, we reach the breaking point again and he asks me if he can do the surgery and then if that doesn't work then we'll put her down because this has gone on for too long. Low and behold he opened her up and found a stone in her large intestine. It was fairly large, about the size of a half dollar, round and smooth. Nobody can believe that the stone actually got in her mouth let alone all the way through the system. She should have choked to death on the stupid thing. It was so extreme that he asked to keep it for his wall of weird crap exhibit, I obliged. Anyway, he kept her for a few more days for observation and I called him on Monday and he said, "She's fine come and get her."
Problem was this is a extremely busy week and I was already scheduled to do something after work. I had to have Jenni pick up the dog, keep in mind she has the kids in the car who think that this dog is dead. She explained it to them that we thought that she was going to die and she didn't, and we didn't tell them different until we knew for sure that she was okay. So more or less we told them the truth. Then when I got home from work I had to show the kids the incision on her shaved belly and explain how the doctor took out the rock. They took it well and now I'm stuck with an inside dog for awhile because she can't play with the other dog until the stitches are out. And I DON'T want to explain to the kids what happens if that incision opens up. Long story short, the dog will be fine, the kids will be fine, the daddy and mommy will be fine, and after a long stressful, and a little expensive ordeal we have a story to tell forever.