Tuesday, May 13, 2008

T-Ball Mania

A few months ago Jenni came home and told me about a new t-ball league they were starting in town and said she wanted to sign the kids up to play. I was kind of (okay, very) skeptical at first, I really didn't think that they'd get a new league started in time for the season and I didn't want to be that Dad that pushed his kids into sports too early. But after Jenni took the initiative and went to all the meetings she convinced me it would be fun. I conceded and signed Jonathon up, but not Kayla I didn't think she was ready. ***Are you starting to notice a theme of me being wrong in this post***

Anyway, we got a phone call one night that said there was a coaches meeting the next day, it was then that Jenni informed me that I had a meeting to go to. I again hemmed and hawed about that decision, but I went to the meeting and found out that this was definitely a league that had the kids' fun in mind. So, Asst. Coach Jamie and Jon showed up for our first practice and our first game and we had a good time, Jonathon was the pitcher and if you've ever watched t-ball that meant he was the busiest kid on the field. He had a blast, and so did I.

I then learned that Kayla was very upset she didn't get to play, I hadn't signed her up because when we try to play around the house she is only good for about 5 minutes of ball then she gets bored and moves on to something else. But, I did get her added to the roster and she went out and played just as hard as the other kids and really did very well and had a lot of fun as well.

To see the photos in better detail just click on the picture and it will be a bigger size.

Moral of this story is....My wife is a very smart woman and I should probably listen to her more often.

I hope she doesn't read this one.

Family Pictures

For Mother's Day this year Jenni really wanted to get a new family portrait, since we've obviously grown recently. So, Saturday morning we woke up early and took some pretty pictures. Remember if you right click you can download the picture for yourself.

Later that day we continued our Mother's Day with a trip to the T-Rex Restaurant out at the Legends shopping center. I know...it doesn't sound like a great Mom's Day dinner, but the place was really pretty cool and it was a lot of fun going to a place that didn't care if your kids were a little obnoxious. We had a great day and it freed up our Sunday to spend with the other mother's in our lives. Overall, I'd say, we had a very successful weekend.