Friday, December 21, 2007
Ice, ice, and more ice
Well, If you're not from around here you may not know that every weekend since Thanksgiving it has rained, iced, or snowed. I really like winter weather, but it has really hampered weekend shopping excursions. The worst of the ice inspired me to take a few photos and show off what our little part of the world looked like.

It seems that we've started another little Christmas tradition for our little family and that is trekking down to Union Station and checking out the Holiday Spirit Train, the model train exhibits, and this year we made a second trip to see the Holiday Express train that Santa brings to KC to check out the naughty and nice list. A couple of years ago we took Jonathon down to ride the train that used to be in the old Wards store downtown (at least that's what I'm told by my parents). We discovered that they also set up huge model train exhibits which really captured Jonathon and I's attention, and has drawn us back every year. The kids (and me) really dig it and we really recommend it to the rest of you. Just check it out.

Christmas Cookies
One of my favorite activities this time of year is decorating Christmas cookies and that ordeal is usually done at my mother's house with the rest of the family, but things were a little different this year. The plan was for us to go over to Mom's after a long day in "How to have a baby" refresher course, but during Jenni and I's class the beginning of the ice extravaganza moved over the city. So instead of letting the ice build up more Mom gave us the necessary supplies and we took it home and made our cookies. The kids really enjoyed themselves and I think they ate enough frosting, sprinkles, chocolate chips, and M&M's to keep out dentist busy for years to come. And of course, here are the photos.

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Kids will be kids
Counting Down
Thanksgiving is officially over and we've started the countdown to Christmas and around our house we found the little ones were having a hard time understanding that Christmas was weeks away. So Jenni decided to sit down and make a countdown chain with the kids. Each link of the chain has the number of days left until Christmas and every night before bed the kids take turns cutting off a link. They are really digging it and they're really excited for Christmas day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Deer Slayers
Opening weekend of deer season went pretty well for us this year, Dad, Dave and I all got up that Saturday morning and pursued those terrible menaces of nature called DEER. We all know how dangerous those creatures are and despite everything you learned by watching the movie Bambi, those animals are nothing but trouble.
Okay, I'm full of it, they aren't that bad....but they taste good. ANYWAY, i digress.
The three of us set out for Dave's acreage and sat through the cold windy morning and bagged two eight pointers and a cute little baby. Just look at the picture, I think Dad had the best catch.

That's the first antlered buck I've ever gotten (we won't talk about the other one) I thought it was pretty nice, here's a better picture, excuse the open mouth, his jaw was broken from my shot.

The only thing that didn't work out for me this year was that my brother Jonah called me early the next Saturday to inform me that he also got his first ever antlered buck (first ever deer) and it was only a ten pointer. JERK. I'll see if he'll give me his picture and we'll put it up here too.
Okay, I'm full of it, they aren't that bad....but they taste good. ANYWAY, i digress.
The three of us set out for Dave's acreage and sat through the cold windy morning and bagged two eight pointers and a cute little baby. Just look at the picture, I think Dad had the best catch.

That's the first antlered buck I've ever gotten (we won't talk about the other one) I thought it was pretty nice, here's a better picture, excuse the open mouth, his jaw was broken from my shot.

The only thing that didn't work out for me this year was that my brother Jonah called me early the next Saturday to inform me that he also got his first ever antlered buck (first ever deer) and it was only a ten pointer. JERK. I'll see if he'll give me his picture and we'll put it up here too.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Walkin' the walk
Alright, we spend a lot of time talking about bull riding and this past weekend the kids and I finally walked the walk and climbed on the huge animal...kinda. Jenni and I took the kids to the American Royal Family Fun Day on Saturday and they had rodeo university for the kids where they could climb on replica horses and bulls and learn how to rope and ride. So Jonathon and Kayla took thier turns on the devices, it was kind of funny because the lady that was helping the kids learn to ride bulls was suprised when Jonny Robert hopped aboard, tied down and told her with a nod of the head, "Okay, let's go." And the kid looked like he was a champ. Kayla also showed off her abilities and made mommy and daddy proud that our little girl could conquer the big plastic beast.

Well the babies got thier rides in and it was time for Old Daddy to put up or shut up, so I was convinced by my lovely bride and two beautiful babies to give the mechanical beast the ride of it's life. Jenni, decided that just taking a picture of this momentus occasion wouldn't be good enough so she quickly used our camera to take a video. I'm going to try and share the last little bit with you all. I think you will all agree that I whipped that bull.
Although the next morning I sure didn't feel like I whipped it, I now understand the use of chaps.
Well the babies got thier rides in and it was time for Old Daddy to put up or shut up, so I was convinced by my lovely bride and two beautiful babies to give the mechanical beast the ride of it's life. Jenni, decided that just taking a picture of this momentus occasion wouldn't be good enough so she quickly used our camera to take a video. I'm going to try and share the last little bit with you all. I think you will all agree that I whipped that bull.
Although the next morning I sure didn't feel like I whipped it, I now understand the use of chaps.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Pumpkins: guts and gore
Our growing little family ventured down to the old pumpkin patch this past weekend and picked out this years jack-o-lantern victim. It was a grand ole time, the kids rode a train, played on the playground, rode little tractor tricycles, and of course picked out our pumpkins.

After we picked out those pumpkins we promptly took them home and cracked them open to make our stoop squatters.

After we picked out those pumpkins we promptly took them home and cracked them open to make our stoop squatters.
Bull Riding
Roller Skating
It's been a long time since we posted, but we've been super busy with many different projects and activities. One of the big projects is my goal to re-finish our basement. I don't know if you all know but last spring we got some water in the basement and it ruined the floors. Well, since we had to redo all the floors we went ahead and painted and replaced some trim and some other little things that we didn't like from the first time we finished the basement.

Well one night while I was cutting some trim Jenni decided to let Jonathon try out his roller skates that he got for his birthday. He put them on and in true boy fashion found the incline and started his stunts. Well, it only took one or two crashes for him to give that up and he passed the skates on Kayla. She did pretty well and really enjoyed skating, even with her new bruises.
Well one night while I was cutting some trim Jenni decided to let Jonathon try out his roller skates that he got for his birthday. He put them on and in true boy fashion found the incline and started his stunts. Well, it only took one or two crashes for him to give that up and he passed the skates on Kayla. She did pretty well and really enjoyed skating, even with her new bruises.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
MO dinos
Well, over this long holiday weekend we did not join the masses in migrating to the last vacation of the summer, but we did converge upon a local destination that claimed they have brought back dinosaurs to Missouri. Jonathon and Kayla decided that they would put off a trip to the zoo (one of thier favorite places) to go to Powell Gardens and hunt the elusive giant lizards. After the hour and a half drive we were successful.

We had a lot of fun, the place is of course one great big nature reserve and botanical garden and they sprinkle in around 15 different life size dinosaurs for the kids. It was a reasonably priced trip that would surely kill a few quality out door hours. We all enjoyed it until the very end when my babies got a little tired, you can tell in this family picture taken right outside the exit.

That picture led to a temper tamtrum for the entire 15 minute walk through the visitors center (because that's the only way out) and to the car. There were times that I wondered how long it would be before the police showed up to get me for kidnapping. And it was at times humorous as I walked past some folks with my screaming angel and said the simple phrase, "It's naptime" and I recieved a sympathetic nod as if they were saying, "we feel you brother, we've been there too." Regardless it was a great day at the park and a nap, of course, put my angel's halo back on.
We had a lot of fun, the place is of course one great big nature reserve and botanical garden and they sprinkle in around 15 different life size dinosaurs for the kids. It was a reasonably priced trip that would surely kill a few quality out door hours. We all enjoyed it until the very end when my babies got a little tired, you can tell in this family picture taken right outside the exit.
That picture led to a temper tamtrum for the entire 15 minute walk through the visitors center (because that's the only way out) and to the car. There were times that I wondered how long it would be before the police showed up to get me for kidnapping. And it was at times humorous as I walked past some folks with my screaming angel and said the simple phrase, "It's naptime" and I recieved a sympathetic nod as if they were saying, "we feel you brother, we've been there too." Regardless it was a great day at the park and a nap, of course, put my angel's halo back on.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
New Baby Pictures
Okay, through the miracles of modern technology we are able to bring to you the very first photos of brand new Baby Rinehart. I know that most of you know that we are expecting, and for those that the info hasn't filtered too, I'm sorry you have just now found out.
Well we went to the doctor's office last friday and got the first pictures of our brand new baby, I have scanned the one picture that is easiest to see the profile of the face. And here it is.

And I'm sure that you can all tell that it is a beautiful baby girl.
Well we went to the doctor's office last friday and got the first pictures of our brand new baby, I have scanned the one picture that is easiest to see the profile of the face. And here it is.

And I'm sure that you can all tell that it is a beautiful baby girl.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tonight my little princess reminded me that I am no longer even remotely in charge of my house. After bath the little darlin' and I retreated to the living room to put on her pj's, while Jenni finished up brushing Jonathon's teeth. Well, the princess decided she didn't want daddy's help and threw a monster temper tantrum to get her mommy to help her. Daddy is a stubborn old fool and went ahead and dressed that screaming little angel. Well, as you can expect the tantrum got worse and she was placed back in her bedroom to finish crying. She just kept on screaming at me for helping her while Jenni and I moved into Jonathon's room to pick up all his toys so he can actually get into his bed. Soon we are visited by the little banshee....AND SHE IS NAKED AGAIN! She had taken off all her clothes and carried them right past me to Jenni and asked her in her cutest little voice, "Mommy, please help?" Jenni could barely do it she was laughing so hard, and I couldn't help but giggle as well. But seriously....she's only two, what am I going to do when she is a teenager!?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Happy Fourth birthday, Jonny Robert
Oh that's dirty
Recently, Jenni and I got tired of the privacy fence that was up next to our driveway. The people before us had hit it with a car and it was all out of wack (reference the water picture in a previous post). So we decided to tear it down and put up a new section of chain link. Well at the same time our neighbors decided to concrete their driveways and had created a nice big pile of rock and dirt beside the house. Well, I took advantage of the situation and got the crew to give me the gravel and then the kids made sure that they took their fair share of the dirt.

I don't know who had more fun, the kids in the dirt or Jenni stripping them naked in the yard and washing them off with the cold water hose.
I don't know who had more fun, the kids in the dirt or Jenni stripping them naked in the yard and washing them off with the cold water hose.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Our trip to the wet
So, earlier this week Jenni and I decided to take the kids to a Royals game and we picked last night because it was cowboy hat giveaway night. And wouldn't you know it, IT RAINED. So, I think that every post on this board has something to do with water. We had a good time, we ate our weight in hotdogs and nachos and watched the game. The kids made it through most of the game without getting too stir crazy. The game went into extra innings and (even though it killed me) we went ahead and left. My Royals ended up losing, but it was fun to take the family out to the ole ballpark. 
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
Jenni and the kids woke me up this morning with my Dad's Day presents. It was nice, Jenni had figured out how to make brown lunch bags into a little neck tie looking present. I opened my presents from the kids and they were two bags of M&M's (one of my favorite snacks). After we were done with the present giving I had given Kayla the bags to put on the kitchen table. Jenni and I came out of the room and found that the table wasn't where my candy was, it was in the living room. Just see for yourself...

Little stinkers.
Little stinkers.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Can you say "Creative Thinking"?
Everyone says that one of the benifits of being a teacher is having your summers off. I'd have to agree. Although whoever came up with those words of wisdom was definately NOT chasing around a very creative little 2 and 4 year old!
The kids are finally old enough to play out in the backyard together without constant supervision and it is so nice to be able to let them go outside while we are cooking dinner or working in the kitchen. However, I say "constant" because they are professionals at finding new ways to give me a heart attack. Jonathon (aka: Monkey #1) figured out how to climb onto the roof of their playhouse by using the swingset as a stepping stool. Not to be left behind, Kayla (aka: Monkey #2) also figured out how to tackle this feat. This is now their favorite place to play in the backyard.

Kayla's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds every day. I swear she comes up with a new phrase or statement that knocks my socks off on a daily basis. The latest occurred while I was in the kitchen. I had just set up the kids with one of their videos so that I could start making a dessert for the dinner I was preparing. I had just gotten all of my materials ready when I heard the distinct patter of little Kayla feet running into the kitchen. She put on the brakes, slid to a stop, looked at me like I was doing something wrong, and said "What are you doing Mommy?" I told her that I was making a cake for dinner and her whole face lit up! She made a 180 degree turn, ran to grab her chair and said "I make cake, too, Mommy! Me help!" So I had a lot of help making my cake!

Jonathon and Kayla have also rediscovered the fun of playing in the water. Being the sentimental person that I am I couldn't help but compare water pictures from last year to this year. They are growing up so fast? Who gave them permission to do that?

The kids are finally old enough to play out in the backyard together without constant supervision and it is so nice to be able to let them go outside while we are cooking dinner or working in the kitchen. However, I say "constant" because they are professionals at finding new ways to give me a heart attack. Jonathon (aka: Monkey #1) figured out how to climb onto the roof of their playhouse by using the swingset as a stepping stool. Not to be left behind, Kayla (aka: Monkey #2) also figured out how to tackle this feat. This is now their favorite place to play in the backyard.
Kayla's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds every day. I swear she comes up with a new phrase or statement that knocks my socks off on a daily basis. The latest occurred while I was in the kitchen. I had just set up the kids with one of their videos so that I could start making a dessert for the dinner I was preparing. I had just gotten all of my materials ready when I heard the distinct patter of little Kayla feet running into the kitchen. She put on the brakes, slid to a stop, looked at me like I was doing something wrong, and said "What are you doing Mommy?" I told her that I was making a cake for dinner and her whole face lit up! She made a 180 degree turn, ran to grab her chair and said "I make cake, too, Mommy! Me help!" So I had a lot of help making my cake!
Jonathon and Kayla have also rediscovered the fun of playing in the water. Being the sentimental person that I am I couldn't help but compare water pictures from last year to this year. They are growing up so fast? Who gave them permission to do that?
They call him......Ring Bearer
The killing of the bull
Okay, so this one is going to take a little bit of imagination on your part. Every now and then, good ole Jonny Robert, drops into cowboy mode and pretends to ride bulls and rope steer. So, not too long ago I had taken a small amount of scrap wood from around the house and built my little cowboy a roping toy. It was pretty much a saw horse with a head. One night while I was out in the yard with the kids, Jonny Robert roped that bull AND PULLED ITS HEAD OFF. I was laughing my chops off while he drug it around the yard yelling excitedly, "I killed the bull, dad, I killed the bull." I went to get Jenni to have her join me in this moment of funny when Jonathon yelled to Kayla (who had now joined him in his chant and laps around the yard), "Let's tie it up." We got the camera out in time to capture the beautiful moment that our little cow pokes posted thier quarry.

Look closely at the bottom of the tree and you'll see the "head". Don't worry....I've already played doctor and grew that bull and new head, hopefully stronger this time.
P.S. - Do you know how hard it is to explain that cattle roping isn't suppose to kill the cow, when you're laughing that hard?
Look closely at the bottom of the tree and you'll see the "head". Don't worry....I've already played doctor and grew that bull and new head, hopefully stronger this time.
P.S. - Do you know how hard it is to explain that cattle roping isn't suppose to kill the cow, when you're laughing that hard?
Sunday, June 3, 2007
More Water Troubles
Okay, so this is a different kind of water trouble, like the kind your kids get into when you turn your head. We've recieved another round of rain this week and during one of the dry spells Jenni and I sent the kids out back to play. I was fixing dinner and Jenni stepped inside to tell me something and in that few minutes the kids turned on the Mud-Puddle Radar and were ankle deep before we knew it. So, naturally we took pictures of the fun. You'll notice Jonathon has already lost his pants in all the fun.

Another round of rain sent us inside to eat dinner, but when we went back outside we were treated to this spectacle of nature.

By the way, if you click on the picture it will give you a full size view of it, then if you right click on it you can choose to download it to your computer.
Another round of rain sent us inside to eat dinner, but when we went back outside we were treated to this spectacle of nature.
By the way, if you click on the picture it will give you a full size view of it, then if you right click on it you can choose to download it to your computer.
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